
Chapter One: Pure
Luck or God's Hand
Chapter Two: The American Revolution
– Darkest Hour
Chapter Three: The Civil War
– Moment of Decision
Chapter Four:
World War II – The Tide Turns
Chapter Five: The Cold War –
Brink of Armageddon
Chapter Six: The Hand of Providence
in America's Wars
Appendix: War and God in My Own
On May 28, 1942, the most powerful fleet ever seen up to that
time set course for Midway Island in
the center of the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese navy was committed
to finishing the job started at
Pearl Harbor six months before. The small American carrier
fleet had been untouched in that attack
due to bad timing, and these three ships were proving to be
an unexpected annoyance. The Japanese military machine had
not been stopped anywhere during more than ten years of conquest
in China
Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. Allied resistance continued
to crumble on all fronts. The Battle of
Midway was to be the climatic victory for the Japanese, eliminating
American power in the Pacific
for the foreseeable future and even leaving the U.S. West
Coast without protection. Over 200 ships
were committed to ensure success, including 11 battleships
and 8 aircraft carriers. By every
calculation of the odds, this victory was as close to a sure
thing as could possibly be achieved in
war. However, on June 4th as the opposing fleets came to grips,
a series of apparently random
events began to unfold that changed those odds. God's hand
seemed to take control at the crucial
moment of World War II.