God in the Trenches ¯ Larkin Spivey

God in the Trenches ¯ Larkin Spivey

Chapter One: Pure Luck or God's Hand
Chapter Two: The American Revolution – Darkest Hour
Chapter Three: The Civil War – Moment of Decision
Chapter Four: World War II – The Tide Turns
Chapter Five: The Cold War – Brink of Armageddon
Chapter Six: The Hand of Providence in America's Wars
Appendix: War and God in My Own Life

Chapter Five: The Cold War – Brink of Armageddon

On October 16, 1962, President John F. Kennedy was given conclusive proof that Soviet nuclear
missiles had been placed in Cuba, threatening American cities throughout the eastern United States.
After a series of secret meetings with his advisors, Kennedy gave a televised address to the nation,
publicly demanding removal of the missiles and proclaiming a naval blockade of Cuba. As the tension
built each day, it became obvious that any aggressive act could easily lead to escalating reactions on
both sides. Each side had nuclear weapons and had threatened to use them. If the United States
and the Soviet Union were to go to war over Cuba, could either side afford to "lose" such a war
without using every weapon available? The world suddenly faced the single most dangerous
moment in its history. Many wondered if God's hand was moving the world toward the
prophesied day of Armageddon.