
Chapter One: Pure
Luck or God's Hand
Chapter Two: The American Revolution
– Darkest Hour
Chapter Three: The Civil War
– Moment of Decision
Chapter Four: World War II –
The Tide Turns
Chapter Five: The Cold War –
Brink of Armageddon
Chapter Six:
The Hand of Providence in America's Wars
Appendix: War and God in My Own
It would be presumptuous on my part to speculate about how
God now views America or any other
part of his creation. However, I do believe that his hand
has been active in guiding America to the
point where it is today. We see a society blessed with a degree
of freedom from political tyranny
and physical deprivation unparalleled in history. Never have
more people had the opportunity and complete freedom to consider
for themselves the meaning of their own lives and of life
itself, and the
freedom to turn to or away from God. Although God leaves each
to make his own choice, I believe
that he wants every individual to freely decide to come to
him. We are told, "He is patient with you,
not wanting anyone to perish." With his "great commission,"
Jesus challenged his faithful to "go and
make disciples of all nations." I believe that a benevolent
God expects his faithful to pursue this
mission, and that he waits to see how each individual will
respond to his continuing call.